
阅读数:1844 发布时间:2016-07-04 14:25:55

作者:w1nww 标签: 聂文文 委培班 doT doT.js


The fastest + concise javascript template engine for Node.js and browsers.

Origins 起源

doT.js was created in search of the fastest and concise JavaScript templating function with emphasis on performance under V8 and Node.js. It shows great performance for both Node.js and browsers.
doT.js 创建是为了寻找最快和简洁 JavaScript 模板功能,并强调 V8 和 Node.js 下的性能.

灵感来自两个引擎 jQote2underscore.js

doT.js is fast, small and has no dependencies.


Features 特征

Usage 使用说明


interpolation 赋值

<div>Hi {{=it.name}}!</div>
<div>{{=it.age || ''}}</div>
function anonymous(it /**/) { var out='<div>Hi '+(it.name)+'!</div><div>'+ (it.age || '')+'</div>';return out; }
<div>Hi Jake!</div><div>31</div>

evaluation 求值

{{ for(var prop in it) { }}
{{ } }}
function anonymous(it /**/) { var out=''; for(var prop in it) { out+='<div>'+(prop)+'</div>'; } return out; }



{"joke":"<div>{{=it.name}} who?</div>"}
function anonymous(it /**/) { var out='<div>'+(it.name)+'</div><div>'+(it.name)+' who?</div>';return out; }
<div>Jake</div><div>Jake who?</div>

conditionals 条件语句

{{? it.name }}
<div>Oh, I love your name, {{=it.name}}!</div>
{{?? it.age === 0}}
<div>Guess nobody named you yet!</div>
You are {{=it.age}} and still don't have a name?
<div>Oh, I love your name, Jake!</div>

arrays 数组

{{~it.array :value:index}}
function anonymous(it /**/) { var out='';var arr1=it.array;if(arr1){var value,index=-1,l1=arr1.length-1;while(index<l1){value=arr1[index+=1];out+='<div>'+(value)+'!</div>';} } return out; }  

encode 编码

Visit {{!it.uri}}
function anonymous(it /**/) { var encodeHTML = typeof _encodeHTML !== 'undefined' ? _encodeHTML : (function (b){var a={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'","/":"/"},d=b?/[&<>"'/]/g:/&(?!#?w+;)|<|>|"|'|//g;return function(b){return b? b.toString().replace(d,function(b){return a[b]||b}):""}}());var out='Visit '+encodeHTML(it.uri);return out; }
Visit https://github.com/olado/doT

Compile time evaluation vs Runtime evaluation 编译时求值 vs 运行时求值

You can improve performance further if you use compile time evaluation. It is useful in cases when the data that you want to use are not changing with each run of the template. Think of it as defines or constant variables.


It is also used to statically compile partials. This comes in handy when you want to include similar header and footer on multiple pages. doT also allows to customize partial right from the template that will include it.


Check advanced sample and one more sample for hints on how to use defines and partials.


Installation 安装说明

For Node.js (我还不会node.js,先不讨论)

For browsers
Include the javascript file in your source:

<script type="text/javascript" src="doT.js"></script>


// 1. Compile template function
var tempFn = doT.template("<h1>Here is a sample template {{=it.foo}}</h1>");
// 2. Use template function as many times as you like
var resultText = tempFn({foo: 'with doT'});



doT.templateSettings - default compilation settings 默认的编译设置

You can customize doT by changing compilation settings. Here are the default settings:

doT.templateSettings = {
  evaluate:    /{{([sS]+?)}}/g,
  interpolate: /{{=([sS]+?)}}/g,
  encode:      /{{!([sS]+?)}}/g,
  use:         /{{#([sS]+?)}}/g,
  define:      /{{##s*([w.$]+)s*(:|=)([sS]+?)#}}/g,
  conditional: /{{?(?)?s*([sS]*?)s*}}/g,
  iterate:     /{{~s*(?:}}|([sS]+?)s*:s*([w$]+)s*(?::s*([w$]+))?s*}})/g,
  varname: 'it',
  strip: true,
  append: true,
  selfcontained: false

If you want to use your own delimiters, you can modify RegEx in doT.templateSettings to your liking.
如果你想要使用你自己的分隔符,你可以根据自己的喜好在 doT.templateSettings 修改正则表达式.  

Here is the list of default delimiters:

By default, the data in the template must be referenced with 'it'. To change the default variable name, modify setting 'varname'. For example, if you set 'varname' to "foo, bar" you will be able to pass 2 data instances and refer to them from the template by foo and bar.

默认情况下,模板中的数据必须引用 'it'.若要更改默认变量名称,修改设置 'varname'.例如,如果你将 'varname 设置为"foo,bar"你将能够传递 2 数据实例和引用它们来自模板的 foo 和 bar.

To control whitespace use 'strip' option, true - to strip, false - to preserve.

'append' is a performance optimization setting. It allows to tweak performance, depending on the javascript engine used and size of the template, it may produce better results with append set to false.

'append'是一个性能优化设置.它允许调整性能,取决于使用的 javascript 引擎和模板的尺寸.追加设置为 false,它可能会产生更好的结果.

If 'selfcontained' is true, doT will produce functions that have no dependencies on doT. In general, generated functions have no dependencies on doT, with the exception for encodeHTML and it is only added if encoding is used. If 'selfcontained' is true and template needs encoding, encodeHTML function will be included in the generated template function.

如果 'selfcontained' 为true,doT会产生没有依赖在doT上的功能.一般情况下,生成功能没有依赖在doT上、 例外是encodeHTML 和如果使用了编码,它仅仅添加.如果 'selfcontained' 为 true并且模板需要编码,encodeHTML 函数将包含在生成的模板功能.

doT.template - template compilation function 模板编译函数

Call this function to compile your template into a function.

function(tmpl, c, def)

By default, the produced function expects one parameter - data - with the name 'it'. The names and number of parameters can be changed by changing doT.templateSettings.varname

默认情况下,生产函数需要一个参数-数据-用 'it'命名.名称和参数数目可以通过改变 doT.templateSettings.varname 而改变.

Node module supports auto-compilation of dot templates (还没学过node.js,暂时不讨论)

You can precompile all your templates into modules compatible with commonJS, browsers and AMD.

var dots = require("dot").process({ path: "./views"});

This will compile .def, .dot, .jst files found under the specified path. Details

Basic usage:

    var dots = require("dot").process({path: "./views"});
    // using .jst files
    var render = require('./views/mytemplate');
    render({foo:"hello world"});
    // using .dot files
    dots.mydottemplate({it: "dot"});

The above snippet will:

See code example, note there is an index.js file in output directory. It allows you to do things like:

    var render = require('./views');

There is a CLI tool that does the same compilation

./bin/dot-packer -s examples/views -d out/views


doT.js by Laura Doktorova, MIT license
