PHP 连接 Mysql 服务器的三种方式

阅读数:1592 发布时间:2016-07-19 22:49:13

作者:zzl005 标签: 朱忠来005 Mysql PHP

PHP offers three different APIs to connect to MySQL. Below we show the APIs provided by the mysql, mysqli, and PDO extensions. Each code snippet creates a connection to a MySQL server running on "" using the username "user" and the password "password". And a query is run to greet the user.

PHP 提供了三种 API 来连接 Mysql 数据库,下面展示的就是由三种扩展(1.mysql; 2.mysqli; 3.PDO)提供的 连接API。


// mysqli
$mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database");
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT 'Hello, dear MySQL user!' AS _message FROM DUAL");
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
echo htmlentities($row['_message']);

// PDO
$pdo = new PDO(';dbname=database', 'user', 'password');
$statement = $pdo->query("SELECT 'Hello, dear MySQL user!' AS _message FROM DUAL");
$row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo htmlentities($row['_message']);

// mysql
$c = mysql_connect("", "user", "password");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT 'Hello, dear MySQL user!' AS _message FROM DUAL");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo htmlentities($row['_message']);


Recommended API

It is recommended to use either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extensions. It is not recommended to use the old mysql extension for new development, as it was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0 and was removed in PHP 7. A detailed feature comparison matrix is provided below. The overall performance of all three extensions is considered to be about the same. Although the performance of the extension contributes only a fraction of the total run time of a PHP web request. Often, the impact is as low as 0.1%.

推荐的使用的 API

推荐使用 mysqli 或者是 PDO_MySQL 扩展。对于新开发的项目来说,不推荐使用旧的 mysql 扩展,因为其在 PHP 的5.5.0 版中,已经被弃用了,而在 PHP7 中直接被移除了。下面提供了一个详细的功能对比表格。三个扩展的总体性能都差不多。在一个 PHP web 请求的运行时间内,扩展所占的影响只有非常小的一部分,差不多为 0.1%。

PHP version introduced5.05.12.0
Included with PHP 5.xYesYesYes
Included with PHP 7.xYesYesNo
Development statusActiveActiveMaintenance only in 5.x; removed in 7.x
LifecycleActiveActiveDeprecated in 5.x; removed in 7.x
Recommended for new projectsYesYesNo
OOP InterfaceYesYesNo
Procedural InterfaceYesNoYes
API supports non-blocking, asynchronous queries with mysqlndYesNoNo
Persistent ConnectionsYesYesYes
API supports CharsetsYesYesYes
API supports server-side Prepared StatementsYesYesNo
API supports client-side Prepared StatementsNoYesNo
API supports Stored ProceduresYesYesNo
API supports Multiple StatementsYesMostNo
API supports TransactionsYesYesNo
Transactions can be controlled with SQLYesYesYes
Supports all MySQL 5.1+ functionalityYesMostNo

